Undergraduate - Spring - 2021

Fairy Tale Cinema


Spring - 2021
  • Tuesday Screening, 8:30 am-11:00 am
    Pollock Theater
  • Thursday Lecture, 8:30 am- 10:20 am
    Pollock Theater


This course addresses a select number of fairy tales and related films. It examines the multiple ways in which tales of wonder provide a metaphoric context for human adaptation and interpretation. Fairy tales evoke themes of childhood, development, and home, as well as critical methods including structuralism and psychoanalysis. Through a focus on films, screened on Tuesdays, along with relevant descriptive, theoretical, and literary texts, we take a critical approach to fairy tales. You will be required to write weekly class-wide forums on GauchoSpace after each screening in relation to reading assigned for the week. You will also be required to write a take-home midterm and final for the course. Your active participation and regular attendance is an essential part of the course.

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