
Winter 2024


FAMST-70Media Criticism - W24

Instructor: Jennifer Holt

Units: 5

FAMST-101DTelegraphy and Television - W24

Instructor: Lisa Parks

Units: 5

FAMST-101FContemporary Film - W24

Instructor: Ross Melnick

Units: 5

FAMST-104Production Technology - W24

Instructor: Sara Caldwell

Units: 5

FAMST-106BCrew Production - W24

Instructor: Wendy Eley Jackson

Units: 5

FAMST-106BCrew Production - W24

Instructor: Chris Jenkins

Units: 5

FAMST-115Sound Production - W24

Instructor: Sven Holcomb

Units: 4

FAMST-118LPLaunch Pad - W24

Instructor: Chris Jenkins

Units: 4

FAMST-125DTDocumentary Truths - W24

Instructor: TBD

Units: 4

FAMST-155CCSilent Film Comedy - W24

Instructor: Charles Wolfe

Units: 4

FAMST-166GGGreen Games - W24

Instructor: Alenda Y. Chang

Units: 4

FAMST-166QHQueer Media History - W24

Instructor: TBD

Units: 4

FAMST-184Film Music - W24

Instructor: John Hajda

Units: 4

FAMST-187CNSeminar - W24

Instructor: Alenda Y. Chang

Units: 4

FAMST-187PHOccult and Psychedelic Horror - W24

Instructor: Greg Siegel

Units: 4

FAMST-187RWRussian War Films - W24

Instructor: Sasha Razor

Units: 4

FAMST-188ABeginning Screenwriting - W24

Instructor: Sara Caldwell

Units: 4

FAMST-188BAdvanced Screenwriting - W24

Instructor: James McNamara

Units: 4

FAMST-192FTFilm Theory - W24

Instructor: Peter Bloom

Units: 5


FAMST-231Media Historiographies

Instructor: Cristina Venegas

Units: 4

FAMST-252SMSound and Aurality - W24

Instructor: Greg Siegel

Units: 4

Spring 2024


FAMST-101CHistory of New Waves Film - S24

Instructor: Cristina Venegas

Units: 5

FAMST-104Production Tech - S24

Instructor: Sara Caldwell

Units: 5

FAMST-107Animation Intro - S24

Instructor: Chris Jenkins

Units: 5


Instructor: TBD

Units: 4

Research Interests:

FAMST-109EAImpact Media - S24

Instructor: TBD

Units: 4

FAMST-118GSGreen Screen - S24

Instructor: Chris Jenkins

Units: 4

FAMST-122ITNational Cinemas - S24

Instructor: Anna Brusutti

Units: 4

FAMST-150FTFilm Genre - S24

Instructor: Peter Bloom

Units: 4

FAMST-154PGP Culture

Instructor: Constance Penley

Units: 4

FAMST-165EFEssay Film - S24

Instructor: Althea Wasow

Units: 4

FAMST-187DJTopics In Analysis - S24

Instructor: Naoki Yamamoto

Units: 4

FAMST-187LALatin America Cinema - S24

Instructor: Cristina Venegas

Units: 4

FAMST-187OCOil Culture - S24

Instructor: Mona Damluji

Units: 4

FAMST-187SCTopics in Analysis - S24

Instructor: Lisa Parks

Units: 4

FAMST-188BAdvanced Screenwriting - S24

Instructor: Sara Caldwell

Units: 4

FAMST-189MPMedia and Policing

Instructor: Althea Wasow

Units: 4

FAMST-192CTCultural Theory - S24

Instructor: Bhaskar Sarkar

Units: 5

FAMST-192PMPopular Music and Youth Culture - S24

Instructor: Greg Siegel

Units: 5

FAMST-195IInternship in Film/Television - S24

Instructor: Jennifer Holt

Units: 2

FAMST-46Intro to Cinema - S24

Instructor: Anna Brusutti

Units: 4

FAMST-46MSMajor Seminar - S24

Instructor: Anna Brusutti

Units: 2

FAMST-56AICritical AI - S24

Instructor: Laila Shereen Sakr

Units: 4

FAMST-96Advanced Film Analysis - S24

Instructor: James McNamara

Units: 5


FAMST-231Media Histories - S24

Instructor: Cristina Venegas

Units: 4

FAMST-252SMSound and Aurality - S24

Instructor: Greg Siegel

Units: 4

Summer 2024


FAMST-101AHistory of Silent Film - S24

Instructor: Sasha Razor

Units: 5

Session: B

FAMST-151FASilent Film West of Holllywood - S24

Instructor: Dana Driskel

Units: 4.0

Session: B

FAMST-182Introduction to Environmental Media - S24

Instructor: Summer Gray

Units: 4.0

Session: A

FAMST-188TVT.V. Writing

Instructor: Wendy Eley Jackson

Units: 4

Session: A

FAMST-192DTDigital Theory - M24

Instructor: TBD

Units: 5

Session: B

FAMST-46FAMST 46 - Introduction to Cinema -M24

Instructor: TBD

Units: 5

Session: A

FAMST-55CYRobots to Cyborgs - M24

Instructor: Anna Brusutti

Units: 4

Session: B

FAMST-96Advanced Film Analysis - M24

Instructor: Farrell

Units: 5

Session: B


Coming soon...

Fall 2024


FAMST-104FAMST 104- Production Tech- F24

Instructor: Sara Caldwell

Units: 5

FAMST-106BCrew Production (Fall & Winter Quarters)

Instructor: Chris Jenkins & Wendy E. Jackson

Units: 5


Instructor: Charles Wolfe

FAMST-55CYRobots to Cyborgs - F24

Instructor: Anna Brusutti

Units: 4

Session: B


Coming soon...

Winter 2023


FAMST-101AHistory of Silent Film

Instructor: Cynthia Felando

Units: 5

FAMST-101DTelegraphy to Early Broadcast

Instructor: Lisa Parks

Units: 5

FAMST-104Production Technology

Instructor: Sara Caldwell

Units: 4

FAMST-118LPLaunch Pad - W23

Instructor: Chris Jenkins

Units: 4

FAMST-119MLMagic Lantern

Instructor: Peter Bloom

Units: 4

FAMST-122NINew Italian Cinema

Instructor: Anna Brusutti

Units: 4

FAMST-155NHNew Hollywood

Instructor: Cynthia Felando

Units: 4

FAMST-184Film Music

Instructor: J. Hajda

Units: 4

FAMST-187COTheories of Comedy

Instructor: Charles Wolfe

Units: 4

FAMST-187FCFan Culture

Instructor: Constance Penley

Units: 4

FAMST-187FMFuture of Media

Instructor: Jennifer Holt

Units: 4

FAMST-187GCGlobal Cinema Going

Instructor: C. Orzel

Units: 4

FAMST-188ABasic Screenwriting

Instructor: TBD

Units: 4

FAMST-188BAdvanced Screenwriting

Instructor: Sara Caldwell

Units: 4

FAMST-189JAJapanese American Internment Media

Instructor: K. Moore

Units: 4

FAMST-189SMSound Media and Society

Instructor: Greg Siegel

Units: 4

FAMST-192DTDigital Theory

Instructor: Alenda Y. Chang

Units: 5

FAMST-70Media Criticism - W23

Instructor: Greg Siegel

Units: 4


FAMST-241Television and Digital Media Theory

Instructor: Lisa Parks

Units: 4

FAMST-242MFMarxist Film and Media

Instructor: Naoki Yamamoto

Units: 4

FAMST-593Program & Curation

Instructor: Patrice Petro

Units: 4

FAMST-595DDDissertation Development

Instructor: Janet Walker

Units: 4

Spring 2023


FAMST-46H45H Intro Cinema Honors

Instructor: TBD

Units: 2

FAMST-55BE55BE The Beatles

Instructor: TBD

Units: 4

FAMST-55DD55DD Directors/Directing

Instructor: TBD

Units: 4

FAMST-101C101C History of Cinema: New Waves and Beyond

Instructor: TBD

Units: 5

FAMST-104104 Production Tech

Instructor: TBD

Units: 4

FAMST-107107 Introduction to Animation

Instructor: TBD

Units: 4

FAMST-109EA109EA Impact Media

Instructor: TBD

Units: 4

FAMST-118GS118GS Green Screen

Instructor: TBD

Units: 4

FAMST-119ML119ML Film Programming: Magic Lantern

Instructor: TBD

Units: 4

FAMST-154PG154PG Topics in Film and Popular Culture

Instructor: TBD

Units: 4

FAMST-155KB155KB Directors: Kathryn Bigelow

Instructor: TBD

Units: 4

FAMST-155SK155SK Stanley Kubrick

Instructor: TBD

Units: 4

FAMST-165AC165AC Film and Social Reality: Algorithms and Culture

Instructor: TBD

Units: 4

FAMST-166AI166AI Alchemy/Imagination

Instructor: TBD

Units: 4


Coming soon...

Summer 2023


FAMST-4646 Intro to Cinema - Summer Session A

Instructor: TBD

Units: 4

Session: A

FAMST-4646 Intro to Cinema - Summer Session B

Instructor: TBD

Units: 4

Session: B

FAMST-55CY55CY Robots to Cyborgs - Summer Session B

Instructor: TBD

Units: 4

Session: B

FAMST-9696 Advanced Film Analysis - Summer Session A

Instructor: TBD

Units: 5

Session: A

FAMST-109EM109EM Topics in Film Production - Summer Session A

Instructor: TBD

Units: 4

Session: A

FAMST-109EP109EP Topics in Film Production - Summer Session F

Instructor: TBD

Units: 4

Session: F

FAMST-110110 Professional Development - Summer Session A

Instructor: TBD

Units: 4

Session: A

FAMST-155SW155SW Star Wars - Summer Session A

Instructor: TBD

Units: 4

Session: A

FAMST-182182 Intro Environmental Media - Summer Session D

Instructor: TBD

Units: 4

Session: D

FAMST-188SS188SS Storytelling Screen - Summer Session D

Instructor: TBD

Units: 4

Session: D

FAMST-188WS188WS Workshop for Screen - Summer Session E

Instructor: TBD

Units: 4

FAMST-192CT192CT Cultural Theory - Summer Session A

Instructor: TBD

Units: 5

Session: A

FAMST-192DT192DT Digital Theory - Summer Session B

Instructor: TBD

Units: 5

Session: B


Coming soon...

Fall 2023


FAMST-46Intro to Cinema - F23

Instructor: Anna Brusutti

Units: 5

FAMST-96Advanced Film Analysis - F23

Instructor: Mona Damluji

Units: 5

FAMST-101AHistory of Silent Film - F23

Instructor: Sasha Razor

Units: 6

FAMST-104Production Tech - F23

Instructor: Sara Caldwell

Units: 5

FAMST-106ACrew Production - F23

Instructor: Chris Jenkins

Units: 5

FAMST-115Sound Production - F23

Instructor: Sven Holcomb

Units: 4

FAMST-122JAJapanese Anime - F23

Instructor: Naoki Yamamoto

Units: 4

FAMST-150ADAdaptation - F23

Instructor: James McNamara

Units: 4

FAMST-169Film Noir - F23

Instructor: Anna Brusutti

Units: 4

FAMST-187SDScreen Dance - F23

Instructor: Heidi Duckler

Units: 4

FAMST-187SSAdapt Shakespeare - F23

Instructor: James McNamara

Units: 4

FAMST-188ABasic Screenwriting - F23

Instructor: Wendy Eley Jackson

Units: 4

FAMST-189ACAlgorithms Culture - F23

Instructor: Laila Shereen Sakr

Units: 4

FAMST-192DTDigital Theory - F23

Instructor: Alenda Y. Chang

Units: 5


FAMST-242RWRevisiting Weimar - F23

Instructor: Patrice Petro

Winter 2022


FAMST-56ZMGenZ Media - W22

Instructor: Cynthia Felando

Units: 4

FAMST-70Media Criticism - W22

Instructor: Jennifer Holt

Units: 4

FAMST-106BCrew Production - W22

Instructor: Chris Jenkins

Units: 5

FAMST-107Introduction to Animation - W22

Instructor: Chris Jenkins

Units: 4

FAMST-115Sound Production - W22

Instructor: Sven Holcomb

Units: 4

FAMST-119MLMagic Lantern - W22

Instructor: Peter Bloom

Units: 4

FAMST-150ADAdaptation - W22

Instructor: James McNamara

Units: 4

FAMST-187ARArchiving - W22

Instructor: Dana Driskel

Units: 4

FAMST-187SHShort Format Film - W22

Instructor: Cynthia Felando

Units: 4

FAMST-187TPTheme Park as Media Object - W22

Instructor: Nathan Cox

Units: 4

FAMST-188BAdvanced Screenwriting - W22

Instructor: Sara Caldwell

Units: 4

FAMST-188TVWriting for Television - W22

Instructor: Cheri Steinkellner

Units: 4

FAMST-189DMDisability and Media - W22

Instructor: Hannah Garibaldi

Units: 4

FAMST-189GNGlobal News Media - W22

Instructor: Nicole Strobel

Units: 4

FAMST-192PMPopular Music and Youth Culture - W22

Instructor: Greg Siegel

Units: 4


FAMST-595DDGroup Studies - W22

Instructor: Alenda Y. Chang

Spring 2022


FAMST-46Intro to Cinema- S22

Instructor: Anna Brusutti

Units: 4

FAMST-96Advanced Film Analysis- S22

Instructor: James McNamara

Units: 5

FAMST-109EASpecial Topics in Film Production: Impact Media- S22

Instructor: Ian Kellet

Units: 4

FAMST-109GAGlitch Art- S22

Instructor: Laila Shereen Sakr

Units: 4

FAMST-113SWSketch Writing- S22

Instructor: Cheri Steinkellner

Units: 4

FAMST-118GSGreen Screen- S22

Instructor: Chris Jenkins

Units: 4

FAMST-119MLFilm Programming- Magic Lantern- S22

Instructor: Peter Bloom

Units: 4

FAMST-184Film Music- S22

Instructor: J. Hajda

Units: 4

FAMST-187RATopics in Film and Television Analysis: Reviving Analog Media- S22

Instructor: A. Tejeda

Units: 4

FAMST-187SD187: SD: Screendance

Instructor: Heidi Duckler

Units: 4

FAMST-188ABasic Screenwriting- S22

Instructor: Sara Caldwell

Units: 4

FAMST-195PIPollock Theater Event and Production Internship- S22

Instructor: Matt Ryan

Units: 2

Summer 2022


FAMST-46Intro to Cinema- M22 A

Instructor: Cynthia Felando

Units: 4

Session: A

FAMST-46Intro to Cinema- M22 B

Instructor: Anna Brusutti

Units: 4

Session: B

FAMST-55CYCyborgs to Robots- M22 B

Instructor: Anna Brusutti

Units: 4

Session: B

FAMST-96Advanced Film Analysis- M22 A

Instructor: TBD

Units: 5

Session: A

FAMST-96Advanced Film Analysis- M22 B

Instructor: TBD

Units: 5

Session: B

FAMST-110Professional Development- M22 A

Instructor: Ross Melnick

Units: 4

Session: A

FAMST-155SWStar Wars- M22 A

Instructor: Cynthia Felando

Units: 4

Session: A

FAMST-182Introduction to Environmental Media- M22 D

Instructor: Janet Walker

Units: 4

Session: D

FAMST-188ABasic Screenwriting- M22 B

Instructor: TBD

Units: 4

Session: B

FAMST-188SSStorytelling for the Screen- M22 D

Instructor: TBD

Units: 4

Session: D

FAMST-192CTCultural Theory- M22 B

Instructor: TBD

Units: 5

Session: B

FAMST-192DTTopics in Film and Media Theory: Digital Theory- M22 A

Instructor: TBD

Units: 5

Session: A


Coming soon...

Fall 2022


FAMST-46Intro to Cinema- F22

Instructor: Anna Brusutti

Units: 4

FAMST-96Advanced Film Analysis- F22

Instructor: TBD

Units: 5

FAMST-106ACrew Production- F22

Instructor: Wendy Eley Jackson

Units: 5

FAMST-109GAGlitch Art- F22

Instructor: Laila Shereen Sakr

Units: 4

FAMST-112Lighting for the Moving Image- F22

Instructor: Chris Jenkins

Units: 4

FAMST-115Sound Production - F22

Instructor: Sven Holcomb

Units: 4

FAMST-119MLMagic Lantern- F22

Instructor: Peter Bloom

Units: 4

FAMST-122MEMiddle East Media- F22

Instructor: Laila Shereen Sakr

Units: 4

FAMST-150SRSatyajit Ray- F22

Instructor: Bhaskar Sarkar

Units: 4

FAMST-165BABlack Auteurs - F22

Instructor: Everett

Units: 4

FAMST-175History of the Avant-Garde- F22

Instructor: Constance Penley

Units: 4

FAMST-187AACritical Approaches to Animation - F22

Instructor: Nathan Cox

Units: 4

FAMST-187GGGlobal Genres - F22

Instructor: Banerjee

Units: 4

FAMST-187SDScreen Dance - F22

Instructor: H. Duckler

Units: 4

FAMST-187YCYouth Culture- F22

Instructor: Cynthia Felando

Units: 4

FAMST-188ABasic Screenwriting- F22

Instructor: Wendy Eley Jackson

Units: 4

FAMST-188ABasic Screenwriting- F22

Instructor: Sara Caldwell

Units: 4

FAMST-189TWThe Wire: TV in Focus - F22

Instructor: Richard Farrell

Units: 4

FAMST-192FTClassical Film Theory- F22

Instructor: Naoki Yamamoto

Units: 5

FAMST-195PIPollock Internship- F22

Instructor: Matt Ryan

Units: 2


FAMST-240Film Theory- F22

Instructor: Patrice Petro

FAMST-593Curation- F22

Instructor: Patrice Petro



FAMST-155SRSatyajit Ray

Instructor: Bhaskar Sarkar

Units: 4

Research Interests:


Coming soon...

Winter 2021


FAMST-70Media Criticism - W21

Instructor: Greg Siegel

Units: 4

FAMST-106BCrew Production - W21

Instructor: Chris Jenkins

Units: 5

FAMST-106BCrew Production - W21

Instructor: Wendy Eley Jackson

Units: 5

FAMST-109GAGlitch Art - W21

Instructor: Laila Shereen Sakr

Units: 4

FAMST-110Professional Development - W21

Instructor: Ross Melnick

Units: 4

FAMST-113PWPilot Writing -W21

Instructor: Cheri Steinkellner

Units: 4

FAMST-115Sound Production - W21

Instructor: Sven Holcomb

Units: 4

FAMST-119MLFilm Programming: Magic Lantern - W21

Instructor: Peter Bloom

Units: 4

FAMST-175Experimental Film - W21

Instructor: Constance Penley

Units: 4

FAMST-187CMTopics in Film and Television Analysis: Conspiracy Media - W21

Instructor: Miguel Penabella

Units: 4

FAMST-187WWTopics in Film and Television Analysis: Cinema and World War II - W21

Instructor: Kajsa Niehusen

Units: 4

FAMST-188ABasic Screenwriting - W21

Instructor: TBD

Units: 4

FAMST-188BAdvanced Screenwriting - W21

Instructor: TBD

Units: 4

FAMST-195PIPollock Theater Event and Production Internship - W21

Instructor: Matt Ryan

Units: 2


FAMST-240Film Theory - W21

Instructor: Naoki Yamamoto

FAMST-593Curation - W21

Instructor: Patrice Petro

Spring 2021


FAMST-55QMQueen: Music, Media, History

Instructor: Ross Melnick

Units: 4

FAMST-96Advanced Film Analysis -S21

Instructor: Cynthia Felando

Units: 5

FAMST-101EEarly Network TV to the Digital Era

Instructor: Jennifer Holt

Units: 5

FAMST-104Production Technology

Instructor: Sara Caldwell

Units: 4

FAMST-108Short Project Production

Instructor: Sara Caldwell

Units: 4

FAMST-109EAImpact Media

Instructor: TBD

Units: 4

FAMST-109IDInteraction Design

Instructor: Laila Shereen Sakr

Units: 4

FAMST-113SWSketch Writing

Instructor: Cheri Steinkellner

Units: 4

FAMST-118GSGreen Screen

Instructor: Chris Jenkins

Units: 4

FAMST-119MLMagic Lantern

Instructor: Peter Bloom

Units: 4


Instructor: Constance Penley

Units: 4

FAMST-155CNChristopher Nolan

Instructor: Anna Brusutti

Units: 4

FAMST-184Film Music

Instructor: J. Hajda

Units: 4

FAMST-187ANAmerican Film and Culture of the 90's

Instructor: Ross Melnick

Units: 4

FAMST-187CCGlobal Chaplin

Instructor: Charles Wolfe

Units: 4

FAMST-187OCOil Culture

Instructor: Mona Damluji

Units: 4

FAMST-187RZReinventing Zoom

Instructor: Lisa Parks

Units: 4

FAMST-187SMSound, Media, Society

Instructor: Greg Siegel

Units: 4

FAMST-187SSScreening Shakespear

Instructor: James McNamara

Units: 4

FAMST-189ACAlgorithms and Culture

Instructor: Laila Shereen Sakr

Units: 4

FAMST-192CTContemporary Cultural Theory

Instructor: Bhaskar Sarkar

Units: 5

FAMST-192CTContemporary Cultural Theory ONLINE

Instructor: Bhaskar Sarkar

Units: 5

FAMST-195PIPollock Theater Internship

Instructor: Matt Ryan


FAMST-252MDMedia Datification - S21

Instructor: Lisa Parks

FAMST-252OMOil Modernity - S21

Instructor: Mona Damluji

FAMST-252PGCultural Study - S21

Instructor: Constance Penley

FAMST-598Prospectus Prep - S21

Instructor: TBD

Summer 2021


FAMST-46Introduction to Cinema - M21 A

Instructor: Cynthia Felando

Units: 5

Session: A

FAMST-46Introduction to Cinema - M21 B

Instructor: Anna Brusutti

Units: 5

Session: B

FAMST-55CYCyborgs to Robots- M21 B

Instructor: Anna Brusutti

Units: 4

Session: B

FAMST-56ZMGen Z Media- M21 B

Instructor: Cynthia Felando

Units: 4

Session: B

FAMST-70Media Criticism- M21 A

Instructor: TBA

Units: 4

Session: A

FAMST-96Advanced Film Analysis- M21 B

Instructor: TBD

Units: 5

Session: B

FAMST-104Production Technology- M21 B

Instructor: Chris Jenkins

Units: 4

Session: B

FAMST-110Professional Development -M21 A

Instructor: Ross Melnick

Units: 4

Session: A

FAMST-110Professional Development- M21 A

Instructor: Ross Melnick

Units: 4

Session: A

FAMST-166EGExperimental Games- M21 A

Instructor: Miguel Penabella

Units: 4

Session: A

FAMST-188ABasic Screenwriting- M21 A

Instructor: Wendy Eley Jackson

Units: 4

Session: A

FAMST-188ABasic Screenwriting- M21 B

Instructor: James McNamara

Units: 4

Session: B

FAMST-188SSStorytelling for the Screen- M21 F

Instructor: James McNamara

Units: 4

Session: F

FAMST-188WSWorkshop for the Screen- M21 G

Instructor: Wendy Eley Jackson

Units: 4

Session: G

FAMST-192CTContemporary Cultural Theory- M21 B

Instructor: TBD

Units: 5

Session: B

FAMST-192DTDigital Theory- M21 A

Instructor: TBD

Units: 5

Session: A


Coming soon...

Fall 2021


FAMST-46Intro to Cinema -F21

Instructor: Anna Brusutti

FAMST-101ASilent Films -F21

Instructor: Cynthia Felando

FAMST-115Sound Production - F21

Instructor: Sven Holcomb

FAMST-119MLMagic Lantern - F21

Instructor: TBD

FAMST-124Indian Cinema - F21

Instructor: Bhaskar Sarkar

FAMST-155NHNew Hollywood - F21

Instructor: Cynthia Felando

FAMST-169Film Noir - F21

Instructor: Anna Brusutti

FAMST-187FTFilm and TV of the 60's

Instructor: Anna Everett

FAMST-187NPNazi Propaganda: Film & Global Politics - F21

Instructor: Kajsa Philippa Niehusen

FAMST-192FTFilm Theory - F21

Instructor: Naoki Yamamoto

FAMST-195PIPollock Internship - F21

Instructor: Matt Ryan

Winter 2020


FAMST- Download the Winter 2020 Schedule

Instructor: see schedule

FAMST-70Media Criticism

Instructor: Jennifer Holt

Units: 4


Instructor: Cynthia Felando

Units: 5


Instructor: Charles Wolfe

Units: 5


Instructor: Charles Wolfe

Units: 1


Instructor: Cheri Steinkellner

Units: 4


Instructor: Bhaskar Sarkar

Units: 4


Instructor: Naoki Yamamoto

Units: 4


Instructor: Anna Brusutti

Units: 4


Instructor: Allison Anders

Units: 4


Instructor: James McNamara

Units: 4


Instructor: Janet Walker

Units: 4

FAMST-188BAdvanced Screenwriting -JM21

Instructor: James McNamara

Units: 4


FAMST-267Media Industries

Instructor: Michael Curtin

Units: 4

Spring 2020


FAMST-46Introduction to Cinema

Instructor: Anna Brusutti

Units: 4

FAMST-46HIntroduction to Cinema - Honors

Instructor: Anna Brusutti

Units: 1

FAMST-46MSMajor Seminar

Instructor: Anna Brusutti

Units: 2

FAMST-54Hollywood: Anatomy of an Industry

Instructor: Wesley Jacks


Instructor: Joseph Palladino

Units: 2

FAMST-96Advanced Film Analysis

Instructor: Cristina Venegas

Units: 5

FAMST-99Independent Studies

Instructor: Staff

Units: 1-4

FAMST-101CHistory of New Waves Films and Beyond

Instructor: Ross Melnick

Units: 5

FAMST-101EEarly Network TV to the Digital Era

Instructor: Cynthia Felando

Units: 5

FAMST-113SWComedy Writing

Instructor: Cheri Steinkellner

Units: 4

FAMST-118Sponsored Projects: Green Screen

Instructor: Chris Jenkins

Units: 4

FAMST-119MLMagic Lantern

Instructor: Bhaskar Sarkar

Units: 4

FAMST-122ITItalian Cinema

Instructor: Anna Brusutti

Units: 4

FAMST-144The Horror Film

Instructor: James McNamara

Units: 4


Instructor: Constance Penley

Units: 4

FAMST-184Film Music

Instructor: J. Hadja

Units: 4

FAMST-189FTFem-Tech Lab

Instructor: Laila Shereen Sakr

Units: 4

Research Interests:


FAMST-226The National

Instructor: Bhaskar Sarkar

Units: 4

Research Interests:

FAMST-230Philosophy of History

Instructor: Charles Wolfe

FAMST-232MFMarxist Film Theory

Instructor: Naoki Yamamoto

Units: 4

Summer 2020


FAMST-46Introduction to Cinema

Instructor: Cynthia Felando

Units: 4

FAMST-46Introduction to Cinema

Instructor: Anna Brusutti

Units: 4

FAMST-70Media Criticism

Instructor: Greg Siegel

Units: 4

FAMST-96Advanced Film Analysis

Instructor: TBD

Units: 5

FAMST-110Professional Development

Instructor: Ross Melnick

Units: 4


Instructor: TBD

Units: 4

Research Interests:

FAMST-155SWDirectors: Star Wars

Instructor: Cynthia Felando

Units: 4

FAMST-187CNTopics in Film and Television Analysis

Instructor: Anna Brusutti

Units: 4

FAMST-188ABasic Screenwriting

Instructor: Wendy Eley Jackson

Units: 4

FAMST-188ABasic Screenwriting

Instructor: James McNamara

Units: 4

FAMST-188SSStorytelling for the Screen

Instructor: James McNamara

Units: 4

FAMST-188WSWorkshop for the Screen

Instructor: Wendy Eley Jackson

Units: 4

FAMST-192CTTopics in Film and Media Theory

Instructor: TBA

Units: 5

FAMST-192DTTopics in Film and Media Theory: Digital Theory

Instructor: TBA

Units: 5


Coming soon...

Fall 2020


FAMST-46Introduction to Cinema

Instructor: Anna Brusutti

Units: 4

FAMST-55BEThe Beatles

Instructor: Allison Anders

Units: 4

FAMST-96Advanced Film Analysis -F20

Instructor: James McNamara

Units: 5

FAMST-101AHistory of Silent Film

Instructor: Cynthia Felando

Units: 5

FAMST-108Short Production

Instructor: Chris Jenkins

Units: 4

FAMST-119MLFilm Programming: Magic Lantern

Instructor: Peter Bloom

Units: 4

FAMST-126Cuban Cinema

Instructor: Cristina Venegas

Units: 4

FAMST-127Latin American Cinema

Instructor: Cristina Venegas

Units: 4

FAMST-169Film Noir

Instructor: Anna Brusutti

Units: 4

FAMST-175History of the Avant-Garde/Experimental Film

Instructor: TBD

Units: 4

FAMST-175Experimental Film

Instructor: Constance Penley

Units: 4

FAMST-187CCCinematic Cities

Instructor: Mona Damluji

Units: 4

Research Interests:

FAMST-188ABasic Screenwriting

Instructor: James McNamara

Units: 4

FAMST-188ABasic Screenwriting

Instructor: Wendy Eley Jackson

Units: 4

FAMST-190PCPopular Culture

Instructor: Constance Penley

Units: 4

FAMST-192FTFilm and Media Theory

Instructor: Naoki Yamamoto

Units: 5

FAMST-195PIPollock Theater Event and Production Internship

Instructor: Matt Ryan

Units: 2

FAMST-252CJFAMST 252CJ Media and Environment: Climate Justice

Instructor: TBD

Units: 4

Research Interests:


FAMST-213Autobiographical Screenwriting

Instructor: TBD

FAMST-241TV New Media Theory

Instructor: Alenda Y. Chang

FAMST-252CJClimate Justice

Instructor: Janet Walker


Instructor: Patrice Petro

FAMST-595DDDissertation Development

Instructor: Janet Walker

Winter 2019


FAMST-70Media Criticism

Instructor: Greg Siegel

Units: 4


Instructor: Joe Palladino

Units: 2

FAMST-113PWPilot Writing

Instructor: Cheri Steinkellner

Units: 4

FAMST-119MLMagic Lantern

Instructor: Bhaskar Sarkar

Units: 4

FAMST-165BABlack Auteurs

Instructor: Anna Everett

Units: 4

FAMST-165MVMedia and Violence

Instructor: Cynthia Felando

Units: 4


Instructor: Dana Driskel

Units: 4

FAMST-187FTFilm and TV of the 60s

Instructor: Anna Everett

Units: 4

FAMST-187SHShort Format

Instructor: Cynthia Felando

Units: 4

FAMST-188ABasic Screenwriting

Instructor: TBD

Units: 4

FAMST-188BAdvanced Screenwriting

Instructor: TBD

Units: 4

FAMST-189TTTaps and Traps: Surveillance, Observation, Capture

Instructor: Lisa Han

Units: 4

FAMST-192DTDigital Theory

Instructor: Alenda Y. Chang

Units: 5

Research Interests:


Instructor: Joe Palladino

Units: 2

FAMST-195PIPollock Theater Internship

Instructor: Matt Ryan

Units: 2


FAMST-232GEGlobal Film Exhibition

Instructor: Ross Melnick

FAMST-250Cultural Theory

Instructor: Greg Siegel

Units: 4

Spring 2019


FAMST-01Download the Spring 2019 Schedule

Instructor: TBD

FAMST-46Introduction to Cinema

Instructor: Anna Brusutti

Units: 4

FAMST-96Advanced Film Analysis - 96

Instructor: Cristina Venegas

Units: 5

Research Interests:

FAMST-101CHistory of New Waves and Beyond

Instructor: Peter Bloom

Units: 5

FAMST-109IWImprov Workshop

Instructor: TBD

Units: 4

FAMST-113SWComedy Writing Short Format

Instructor: Cheri Steinkellner

Units: 4

FAMST-119MLMagic Lantern

Instructor: Bhaskar Sarkar

Units: 4

FAMST-143Sci Fi

Instructor: Anna Brusutti

FAMST-155SWStar Wars

Instructor: Cynthia Felando

Units: 4

FAMST-165MSMedia and Stardom

Instructor: Anna Everett

Units: 4

FAMST-166IGIndie Games

Instructor: Alenda Y. Chang

Units: 4

Research Interests:


FAMST-240Film Theory

Instructor: Patrice Petro

Units: 4

FAMST-593Programming and Curation

Instructor: Patrice Petro

Units: 1-2

Summer 2019


-Download the Summer 2019 Schedule

Instructor: (see schedule)

FAMST-46Introduction to Cinema (Session A)

Instructor: Cynthia Felando

Units: 4

Session: A

FAMST-46Introduction to Cinema (Session B)

Instructor: Anna Brusutti

Units: 4

Session: B

FAMST-70Media Criticism (Session A)

Instructor: Jennifer Holt

Units: 4

Session: A

FAMST-96Advanced Film Analysis (Session B)

Instructor: Sarah Lerner

Units: 5

Session: B

FAMST-187MIMedical Imagination (Session B)

Instructor: Anna Brusutti

Units: 4

Session: B

FAMST-187YCYouth Culture (Session A)

Instructor: Cynthia Felando

Units: 4

Session: A

FAMST-188ABasic Screenwriting (Session A)

Instructor: TBD

Units: 4

Session: A

FAMST-188ABasic Screenwriting (Session B)

Instructor: James McNamara

Units: 4

Session: B

FAMST-192CTCultural Theory (Session B)

Instructor: Nicole Strobel

Units: 5

Session: B

FAMST-192FTClassical Film Theory (Session A)

Instructor: Allan Langdale

Units: 5

Session: A


Coming soon...

Fall 2019


-Download the Fall 2019 Schedule

Instructor: (see schedule)

FAMST-46Introduction to Cinema

Instructor: Anna Brusutti

Units: 4

FAMST-46HMajor Seminar

Instructor: Anna Brusutti

Units: 1

FAMST-46MSMajor Seminar

Instructor: Anna Brusutti

Units: 2

FAMST-101AHistory of Silent Films

Instructor: Cynthia Felando

Units: 5

FAMST-109EAEnvironmental Activism

Instructor: Ian Kellet

Units: 4

FAMST-110Professional Development

Instructor: Ross Melnick

Units: 4

FAMST-119MLMagic Lantern

Instructor: Bhaskar Sarkar

Units: 4


Instructor: James McNamara

Units: 4

FAMST-155NHNew Hollywood

Instructor: Cynthia Felando

Units: 4

FAMST-166GGGreen Games

Instructor: Alenda Y. Chang

Units: 4

Research Interests:

FAMST-169Film Noir

Instructor: Anna Brusutti

Units: 4


Instructor: Dana Driskel

Units: 4

FAMST-187BKBuster Keaton

Instructor: Charles Wolfe

Units: 4

FAMST-188ABasic Screenwriting

Instructor: James McNamara

Units: 4

FAMST-188ABasic Screenwriting

Instructor: Wendy Eley Jackson

Units: 4

FAMST-189CDContemporary Documentary

Instructor: Janet Walker

Units: 4

Research Interests:

FAMST-189SWSounding the World

Instructor: Alenda Y. Chang

Units: 4

Research Interests:

FAMST-192FTClassic Film Theory

Instructor: Patrice Petro

Units: 5

FAMST-195PIPollock Internship

Instructor: Matt Ryan

Units: 2

INT-36 IAInventing Attention

Instructor: Peter Bloom

Units: 4


FAMST-252PMPolitical Media: Social Media Activism and Platforms

Instructor: Anna Everett

Units: 4

FAMST-593Programming and Curation

Instructor: Patrice Petro

Units: 2

FAMST-595DDDissertation Development

Instructor: Ross Melnick

Units: 4

Winter 2018


FAMST-165BABlack Auteurs

Instructor: Anna Everett

Units: 4

FAMST-166SVScientific Visions

Instructor: Alenda Y. Chang

Units: 4


Coming soon...

Spring 2018


FAMST-105Historic Production

Instructor: Chris Jenkins

Units: 4

Research Interests:

Fall 2018


FAMST-187NSNews on Screen

Instructor: Ross Melnick

FAMST-189 SMSoundtrack Media

Instructor: Peter Bloom

Units: 4

Research Interests:

FAMST-192CTContemporary Cultural Theory

Instructor: Bhaskar Sarkar

Units: 5

Research Interests:

Spring 2017



Coming soon...





FAMST-101AHistory of Cinema: The Silent Film

Instructor: Althea Wasow

Units: 5

FAMST-106BCrew Production Two

Instructor: Chris Jenkins

Units: 5

FAMST-115Sound Production

Instructor: Sven Holcomb

Units: 4

FAMST-118Lift Off

Instructor: Chris Jenkins

Units: 4

FAMST-122ITTopics in National Cinema

Instructor: Anna Brusutti

Units: 4

FAMST-130BRussian Cinema

Instructor: Sasha Razor

Units: 4

FAMST-165CCCinema & Censorship

Instructor: White

Units: 4

FAMST-165MGFilm and Social Reality

Instructor: Ross Melnick

Units: 4

FAMST-184Film Music

Instructor: Hajda

Units: 4

FAMST-187Humane Cinema

Instructor: White

Units: 4

FAMST-187FMThe Future of Media

Instructor: Jennifer Holt

Units: 4

FAMST-187PKPakistani Cinema

Instructor: Muzammal

Units: 4

FAMST-188BAdvanced Screenwriting

Instructor: Sara Caldwell

Units: 4

FAMST-192FTFilm and Media Theory

Instructor: Peter Bloom

Units: 5

FAMST-46Intro To Cinema

Instructor: Anna Brusutti

Units: 5

FAMST-46MSMajor Seminar

Instructor: Anna Brusutti

Units: 2

FAMST-70Media Criticism

Instructor: Greg Siegel

Units: 5


FAMST-226National Cinemas

Instructor: Bhaskar Sarkar

Units: 4

FAMST-241Television and Digital Media Theory

Instructor: Lisa Parks

Units: 4

FAMST-501Teaching Assistant Practicum

Instructor: TBD

Units: 4

FAMST-596Directed Reading and Research

Instructor: TBD

Units: 1.0 - 8.0

FAMST-597MA Orals and PhD Exam Preparation

Instructor: TBD

Units: 4.0 - 12.0

FAMST-599Dissertation Research and Writing

Instructor: TBD

Units: 1.0 - 12.0



Instructor: Ross Melnick

Units: 5


Instructor: Sara Caldwell

Units: 5

FAMST-107Introduction to Animation

Instructor: Sara Caldwell

Units: 4

Research Interests:


Instructor: Sara Caldwell

Units: 5


Instructor: TBD

Units: 4


Instructor: Sven Holcomb

Units: 4


Instructor: Chris Jenkins

Units: 4


Instructor: Chris Jenkins

Units: 4


Instructor: Sasha Razor

Units: 4


Instructor: TBD

Units: 4


Instructor: Patrice Petro

Units: 4


Instructor: Constance Penly

Units: 4


Instructor: Sasha Razor

Units: 4


Instructor: Nathan Roberts

Units: 4


Instructor: Jason Ludwig

Units: 4


Instructor: Bhaskar Sarkar

Units: 5


Instructor: TBA

Units: 5


Instructor: Mona Damluji

Units: 5


Coming soon...


FAMST-101BHistory of Cinema: History of Sound Film

Instructor: Rich Farrell

Units: 5

Session: B

FAMST-110Professional Development (Online)

Instructor: Ross Melnick

Units: 4

Session: B

FAMST-150FTFairy Tale Cinema (Online)

Instructor: Mo Muzammal

Units: 5

Session: A

FAMST-155SKStanley Kubrick

Instructor: Anna Brusutti

Units: 4

Session: B

FAMST-182Intro to Environmental Media

Instructor: Summer Gray

Units: 4

FAMST-188ABeginner Screenwriting

Instructor: Wendy Eley Jackson

Units: 4

Session: A

FAMST-188SSStorytelling for the Screen

Instructor: Annie Wyman

Units: 4

Session: D

FAMST-188WSWorkshop for Screen

Instructor: Wendy Eley Jackson

Units: 4

FAMST-192FCFilm and Mass Culture

Instructor: Nathan Roberts

Units: 5

Session: A

FAMST-46Intro to Cinema

Instructor: Akhil Goswami

Units: 5

Session: A

FAMST-46Intro to Cinema

Instructor: Anna Brusutti

Units: 5

Session: B

FAMST-70Media Criticism

Instructor: Trinankur Banerjee

Units: 5

Session: A

FAMST-96Advanced Film Analysis

Instructor: Alex Lilburn

Units: 5

Session: B


Coming soon...


Coming soon...


Coming soon...


Coming soon...


FAMST-240FAMST 240 - Film Theory

Instructor: Naoki Yamamoto

Units: 4

FAMST-242CPFAMST 242CP - Computing Power

Instructor: Jason Ludwig

Units: 4

FAMST-252PGFAMST 252PG - Cultural Study Topic

Instructor: Constance Penley

Units: 4

FAMST-298FAMST 298 - Prospectus Prep

Instructor: Ross Melnick

Units: 4