News : Graduate Students

Infrastructure and Abstraction
Organized by graduate students at USC, “Infrastructure and Abstraction” is a conference that explores the tensions between what is considered “concrete” and “abstract” within the infrastructural turn of media studies. It features papers and talks on a wide range of media objects and sites of mediation, presented by both emerging and established scholars, including UCSB graduate students and FAMST alumni.
Grad participants:
Zach McLane (University of California, Santa Barbara), “Gentrified Landscapes and the Pastoral OS
Amaru Tejeda (University of California, Santa Barbara), “EV Charging into the Future: Abstraction, Infrastructure, and California’s Green Transition”
Joshua Baldelomar (University of California, Santa Barbara), “When Bananas Defi(n)ed Modernity: The 1936 Pittsburgh Banana Company Explosion”
Alumni participants:
Jennifer Hessler, who is a respondent for Panel 4 which is titled: Logistics and Flow
Nicole Starosielski who is a participant of a roundtable featuring other scholars.