Rutherford “Trae” Briers III


Rutherford “Trae” Briers III

  • Social Sciences & Media Studies


Rutherford “Trae” Briers III, received his B.A. in Film Studies from University of
California, Santa Barbara and holds an MBA specializing in Finance. Trae is also a CTE
Certificated Teacher in California for Film and Video.
While in film school, Trae did an independent research with one of his professors on
“How to make a movie for $100,000.” And with that newfound knowledge, he took that
research and made the film “In Your Eyes” which was the “First” film to be shot in its
entirety within Ventura County to get national distribution. The movie was a sold-out
success at the 2004 Santa Barbara International Film Festival, requiring a second
screening. The movie received national distribution with Maverick entertainment, and
was a very popular dvd rental and On-Demand. He has produced numerous short films
and infomercials, and uses his Financial Analyst skills to ensure his productions are
managed with efficiency.
Trae’s recent film “TRADE”, released June 2019 on 18 different digital streaming
platforms, has streamed more than 20 Million hours worldwide, becoming a highly
critical acclaimed independent film.
Trae is currently in pre-production for his next film, “CUATE”, a movie about a young
Black boxer who is trained by a seasoned Mexican boxing trainer who only speaks to
him in Spanish based out of the legendary La Colonia Boxing Gym in Oxnard, CA. He
has partnered with 2 of the biggest boxing organizations in the boxing business:
Mauricio Suliman, the President of the WBC Boxing Commission and Tom Loeffler,
President of 360 Promotions to ensure the quality and accuracy of the boxing prowess
is true and brings a positive alliance with the production.
Trae has taken the mantra “Consistent Persistence”, and is focused on making quality

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